Home » Prince Indah to Halt Music at 12 AM Midnight During His Show at Egesa Inn, Reveals Reasons

Prince Indah to Halt Music at 12 AM Midnight During His Show at Egesa Inn, Reveals Reasons

by Paul Nyongesa
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Renowned Luo musician and performer Prince Indah has announced a significant change in his upcoming performance at Egesa Villa in Umoja 1, Nairobi County.

In a surprising yet bold move, the artist has revealed that he will stop the music at exactly midnight for 10 minutes to join the ongoing protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

This decision aligns with the broader “7 days of Rage” campaign, which aims to pressure Members of Parliament (MPs) to reject the controversial bill.

In a statement shared on his official Facebook page, Prince Indah addressed his fans directly, inviting them to the show while emphasizing the importance of the planned interruption.


“Good morning my people, I am taking this opportunity to welcome you all to Egesa Villa in Umoja 1 for the usual quality entertainment. And also tonight, the music shall stop at exactly 00.00 hrs for about 10 mins. We will be chanting #RejectFinanceBill2024. The future is here! Let’s stand together,” he wrote.

This gesture is part of a larger movement spearheaded by Gen Z protesters, who have taken to the streets to oppose the Finance Bill 2024.

They argue that the bill imposes undue financial burdens on an already struggling populace. Despite peaceful demonstrations, the response from law enforcement has been violent, resulting in fatalities and serious injuries among protesters.

The “7 days of Rage” initiative has seen various bars and clubs pausing their music to allow patrons to participate in chants of “Ruto must go” and “Reject Finance Bill.”

The goal is to create a unified and powerful message that resonates across the nation, highlighting the widespread discontent with the bill.

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