Home » Susan Macharia: Tricks I used to escape death in Saudi Arabia working as househelp

Susan Macharia: Tricks I used to escape death in Saudi Arabia working as househelp

by Samantha
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Susan Macharia embarked on a journey from Kenya to Saudi Arabia with hopes of securing a better life, yet her experience took a dark turn, highlighting the challenges faced by migrant workers.

As a single mother seeking financial stability, Macharia took on the role of a domestic worker in Saudi Arabia.

Her initial struggles with language differences led to a job transfer, offering some relief as she joined a family that spoke English.

However, what started as a pursuit of a brighter future gradually transformed into a nightmarish reality for Macharia.

Overwork, denial of meals, and health issues arising from a diet rich in spices became part of her daily life. The tipping point arrived when she found herself in a physical altercation with her supervisor, a moment that prompted her to make the bold decision to quit her job.

Anticipating her employer to arrange her return to Kenya, Macharia was instead abandoned in a deportation camp.

The deportation camp experience resembled imprisonment, with limited movement and a tedious bureaucratic process. Rather than succumb to defeat, Macharia redirected her focus toward helping others facing similar circumstances within the confines of the detention center.

Through her advocacy and unwavering determination, she eventually secured a ticket to exit the camp and returned home.

Undeterred by the challenges she faced, Macharia continued her travels, venturing into Qatar and Bahrain. Her resilience and tenacity are evident as she transforms her personal ordeal into a platform for advising and assisting fellow Kenyans navigating opportunities in Gulf countries.

Macharia’s story serves as a poignant cautionary tale for those contemplating work abroad. It underscores the importance of being cognizant of one’s rights and working conditions in foreign lands. Her advocacy emphasizes the necessity of support systems for migrant workers and the urgent need for enhanced regulations to safeguard their well-being.

As Macharia continues her mission, her aspirations extend beyond personal redemption. She aims to inspire change and contribute to creating a safer and more informed environment for individuals seeking opportunities beyond their borders.

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