Woman Who Got Married to a Mzungu Cries Out After Villagers Bewitch Her

Belinda Akinyi, popularly known as Black Beauty on TikTok, has taken to social media to make a desperate plea for help after falling victim to what she believes is witchcraft.

The renowned TikToker, who recently faced backlash for refusing to give money to followers, shared a heartbreaking video revealing her swollen face and detailing her week-long suffering.

In the emotional video, Akinyi, a mother of two, disclosed that she has been unwell and attributes her condition to being bewitched by envious villagers.

She alleges that her relationship with a white woman, referred to as a “Mzungu,” has provoked jealousy and led to her current predicament. “I have been sick for a week now.

This is too much for me. I’m dying inside. Hawa watu wameniroga kweli kweli kwa sababu ya Mzungu (These people have truly bewitched me because of a white man). Nimejaribu kutafuta matibabu nikakosa (I have tried to seek treatment but failed),” Akinyi lamented.

Akinyi’s video shows her visibly distressed, struggling to speak and see properly.

Her plea for help is poignant, as she expresses her frustration and fear over her deteriorating health.

“Who can help me? Eti ukipenda Mzungu watu wanakuroga. Nimerogwa siwezi ona, siwezi ongea vizuri kweli kweli (If you love a white man, people will bewitch you. I have been bewitched. I can’t see well, I’m struggling to talk). Help me. Who can help? I’m dying,” she pleaded.


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