Home » Shock as Pastor Secretly Conducts DNA, Ends Up to Discover Three of His Children Are Not His

Shock as Pastor Secretly Conducts DNA, Ends Up to Discover Three of His Children Are Not His

by Samantha
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A renowned pastor has recently come forward, revealing a painful secret he has carried for the past eight years.

He shared that none of his three children are biologically his, a truth he discovered after conducting secret DNA tests. The shocking revelation has left him grappling with mixed emotions and uncertain about how to confront his wife.

The pastor explained that he had been involved in a car accident that rendered him unable to have children. However, he chose not to disclose this information to his wife when they got married, believing that God would heal him.

After six years of marriage, his wife became pregnant with their first child. It was at this point that he decided to undergo DNA testing, which revealed that he was not the biological father of any of their children.

The pastor is now facing a profound internal struggle and finds himself becoming angry and irritated with his family.

He sought advice on whether or not to confront his wife, unsure of how she would react to this shocking revelation. The reactions from readers have been mixed, with some condemning his initial deceit and others advising forgiveness and finding a way forward.

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